Solar PV Maintenance

Maintenance of Your Solar PV Installation

Safeguarding your businesses solar panel equipment against possible breakdowns or reductions in performance.

Safeguarding Your Investment

Whether you’re an existing customer or not, Navitas offer both reactive and preventative maintenance and repair solutions for your Solar PV system.


Being dedicated to just Solar PV since 2009, Navitas have earned our place as a trusted partner for many businesses, authorities and organisations throughout the UK who look to safeguard their investment and help protect against any unforeseen breakdowns or reductions in performance.

Professional Solar Maintenance

If designed and installed correctly, Solar PV should require very little maintenance; unfortunately, we do come across installations by other contractors that may not have adhered to the standards set out by the MCS or in accordance with MIS 3002 and which subsequently require remedial work.


However, Solar PV does involve complex electrical equipment with connections and wiring systems that are exposed to environmental elements and other concerns such as pests or third-party interference and so even the most sound of installations can be subject to issues that may eventually lead to failure or breakdown.


Periodically checking your own equipment and reviewing performance figures is a great way to identify any obvious signs of fault or productivity failure. But our recommendation would be to implement a professional maintenance visit once a year to fully inspect the integrity of your system, giving you peace of mind whilst acknowledging any warranty conditions and more commonly, upholding any insurance requirements.


Ensure you don’t lose out on your valuable income and savings.

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We specialise in comprehensive solar maintenance services to ensure optimal performance of your solar PV systems. Our process begins with a thorough survey, which includes advanced techniques such as drone investigations and full electrical testing. This allows us to accurately identify any issues, such as faulty components or the need for a thorough cleaning of the panels.

Once problems are identified, we provide targeted solutions to address each issue effectively. Our team is equipped to replace faulty parts and uses a safe, long-reach cleaning system to restore the panels to peak cleanliness and efficiency. With our services, your solar system will continue to deliver maximum financial and environmental benefits.

For expert solar servicing and installation needs, please don’t hesitate to get in touch

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A Navitas Solar Panel System Inspection

What will a Navitas solar panel system inspection visit include?

  • We use a Seaward Solar Installation PV150 instrument to test all the DC (cables) strings from the Solar panels to the inverters.
  • Check all inverters for fault codes, check integrity of mountings and connections and ensure all warning labels are present.
  • Check meters and review performance to ensure system is in line with performance predictions.
  • Check inverters are free from signs of (water) ingress (particularly if mounted external) or dirt build up and clean/report if necessary.
  • Functional check all isolators and inspect for damage.
  • If there is access to the panels, we shall carry out a visual inspection including mounting system, external wiring and containment.
  • On completion, we shall issue test certificates along with any images taken during the inspection for reference.
Book a Maintenance Consultation

We can help tailor a package to your business requirements; please contact us for more information.

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